Smart Sensing Interactive Cat Toys Automatic Eletronic Snake Cat Teasering Play USB Rechargeable Kitten Toys For Cats Dogs Pet
£33.64 – £102.27
Customer Reviews
100 reviews for Smart Sensing Interactive Cat Toys Automatic Eletronic Snake Cat Teasering Play USB Rechargeable Kitten Toys For Cats Dogs Pet
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Chances are there wasn't collaboration, communication, and checkpoints, there wasn't a process agreed upon or specified with the granularity required. It's content strategy gone awry right from the start. Forswearing the use of Lorem Ipsum wouldn't have helped, won't help now. It's like saying you're a bad designer, use less bold text, don't use italics in every other paragraph. True enough, but that's not all that it takes to get things back on track.
The villagers are out there with a vengeance to get that Frankenstein
You made all the required mock ups for commissioned layout, got all the approvals, built a tested code base or had them built, you decided on a content management system, got a license for it or adapted:
- The toppings you may chose for that TV dinner pizza slice when you forgot to shop for foods, the paint you may slap on your face to impress the new boss is your business.
- But what about your daily bread? Design comps, layouts, wireframes—will your clients accept that you go about things the facile way?
- Authorities in our business will tell in no uncertain terms that Lorem Ipsum is that huge, huge no no to forswear forever.
- Not so fast, I'd say, there are some redeeming factors in favor of greeking text, as its use is merely the symptom of a worse problem to take into consideration.
- Websites in professional use templating systems.
- Commercial publishing platforms and content management systems ensure that you can show different text, different data using the same template.
- When it's about controlling hundreds of articles, product pages for web shops, or user profiles in social networks, all of them potentially with different sizes, formats, rules for differing elements things can break, designs agreed upon can have unintended consequences and look much different than expected.
This is quite a problem to solve, but just doing without greeking text won't fix it. Using test items of real content and data in designs will help, but there's no guarantee that every oddity will be found and corrected. Do you want to be sure? Then a prototype or beta site with real content published from the real CMS is needed—but you’re not going that far until you go through an initial design cycle.
G***i –
집사님들 모두 보시오,어여 사시오
한국서 2만원 주고 산 제품보다 가성비 쩜
작은게 완전 만족감은 크게주고 난리
한참 움직이다 안움직이면 꺼진게 아니고 터치하면 또움직이고
같은 패턴도 아니라 아이가 금새 질려하지도 않음
N***a –
Os gatos adoraram ! Todos os 6 aqui. Alguns ficaram com medo kkk mas os mais ousados foram ver de perto.
I***k –
va genial y es exactamente igual a la foto y tiene sensor de no chocarse

L***z –
Le produit est conforme à sa description. Pour l’instant mes chats n’ont pas joué avec, il me tarde de vor leur réaction.
H***f –
가성비 대박 좋네요

J***x –
Super bien pour chat ou chien

T***u –
muy gracioso

I***h –
Nice value for the price. Shipping faster than expected.
J***t –
Meus gatos não ligaram muito, mas o produto funciona bem (exceto no tapete da minha sala). Corresponde exatamente ao anúncio e funciona bem. Meus gatos não curtiram, mas não é porque o produto é ruim. Eles é que são chatos 🙂
U***l –
Excellent Product Excellent Value Excellent Service
N***c –
Llego bastante rápido

J***z –
A mis gatos les encanta esta muy bien construido y funciona genial.
I***u –
Wygląda fajnie 👍

M***v –
Buen juguete se percibe bien acabado y cumple con entretener a los gatos.
U***t –
Она больше,чем кажется.Ловкая змейка,угадать,куда она повернет невозможно и еще у нее двигается язык.Кошке не понравилась,а сын в восторге потащил ее в школу.

R***k –
Juguete realmente increíble y muy divertido para nos gatos. Recargable vía USB.

I***y –
Nice toy, it detect obstacles and if it hit something it goes back. My cat was interested in it for about 3 minutes… well, what would you expect from a cat?
H***a –
Llego mas tarde la fecha indicada. El producto es divertido y por el precio cumple la función perfectamente.
X***o –
reçu rapidement et convient parfaitement pour mes 4 chats. ils adorent
M***r –
Se ha estropeado a los dos días, una de las ruedas a dejado de girar
U***i –
I am charging it and it’s already working well. My cat is intrigued lol
R***a –
muy buena. viene con el cable USB para cargar. prende los ojos en led rojo. tiene sensor si topa con algo, vuelve a cambiar de rumbo. muy lograda. de plástico duro. les llama la atención. la siguen como bobos. van atrás de ella solamente. se vuelven locos y felices? no. no saltan de gusto como con otros juguetes. igual y me divierto más yo.

V***j –
it works and crawls all over buy my cats don’t want anything to do with it and that who I bought it for
M***r –
Il fonctionne parfaitement. Il avance comme un serpent. Il détecte la plupart des obstacles et fait des marches arrières. Dommage que mon chat ne semble pas vraiment intéressé. Il regarde de loin mais ne joue pas avec.

B***x –
Мой кот довольный, мне нравится что от косания она начинает двигаться, и доставка была быстрая.
P***m –
Быстрая доставка.
За такие деньги просто невероятный набор функций.
Змея НЕ заползёт под кровать или мебель, НЕ ударится о стену, она при виде препятствий едет назад.
По истечению некоторго времени она сама выключается, но стоит коту её тронуть, опять начинает ездить.
Кот доволен.
H***y –
Wir Menschen denken immer, ja das könnte meiner Katze Spass machen, aber er will damit nicht spielen. Obwohl er anfangs wollte, aber später dann nicht mehr. Es sein jedem selbst überlassen, die Bewegung der Schlange ist schon genial gemacht. wenn ich ein kleiner Bub wäre, dann ……………., Danke sie macht schon Spass.
S***b –
gostei mais pensei que era

d controle remoto
I***x –
Al principio le daba miedo a mi gatito, pero luego jugaba con ella. se estropeo una rueda en 2 días con muy poco uso.
No lo compraria de nuevo.
V***t –
SUPER! Koty bardzo zadowolone. Polecam!

R***n –

K***e –
Exactly as advertised! I was surprised how much better it is in person. Interesting watching it move around the apartment as the cat follows in curiosity! We keep it in a play tent so it doesn’t get lost.
Y***d –
les llama la atención aunque la evitación de obstáculos es mejorable.
F***m –
genial muy chula y me a llegado rápido recomiendo vendedor
S***p –
nickel…livraison rapide ça change de certain vendeur qui se moque de nous
S***z –
змійка дуже правдоподібна, дуже цікаво за нею спостерігати, але киця її дуже боїться, і через два тижні так і не звикла до неї
H***b –
É muito legal, meus gatos adoraram e a bateria dura muito.
E***q –
One cat loves it one is not so sure but creates a bit of excitement.
A***v –
Very nice and works well. Instructions on website are very good. Cats are cautious, but curious. Came quickly.
C***u –
I have very smart cats, so most of them realized this isn’t a real snake. One of my cats acted nervous when she saw the snake, but she didn’t attack the snake or run away from it. I think it’s a great toy, but if you have really smart cats, don’t expect them to be fooled.
G***s –
Works great. My cat didn’t like it. But it does as advertised.
F***o –
linda minha conbrinha!!!chegou bem antes do combinado, e funciona comprei pro meu gatinho 🐱 Sayd ele amou!!Parece uma cobra 🐍 de verdade tá de parabéns o fabricante, ao vendedor ganhou meu respeito e minha confiança, recomendo sim!!!muito obrigada pelo carinho e dedicação aos seus clientes ,boas vendas!!

E***v –
Rapidísimo el pedido y la serpiente es cómo se describe tiene poca carga por eso la e conectado y esperando que le guste

E***h –
O brinquedo é legal. A cobra além de “andar”, ela faz um movimento de retrair e balançar. Achei ótimo ser recarregável, pois o brinquedo fica leve e não me preocupo das crianças tirarem as pilhas. Minha gata ficou bem interessada e meus filhos também. Recomendo a compra.

W***t –
It is a very good product, working very well, the only negative point that, it is scary for my cat rather to be enjoyable.
D***u –
Super mon chat s’éclate je recommande envoie rapide

G***g –
Jouet très sympa … Livraison ultra rapide… Excellent vendeur… Je recommande vivement…. 6 STARS….
O***a –
Really fun for cat. Works perfectly and avoids obstacles.

Q***l –

D***o –
Bin bisher sehr zufrieden mit der schnellen Lieferung + Abwicklung. Die Qualität ist bestens, bei allem, was ich bisher bestellt habe. Das waren zwar nur kleinere Dinge, aber alles überzeugte mich sehr. Ich werde auch weiterhin über Alibaba bestellen.